Costs of Fertility Treatment

Whether you received a diagnosis of infertility, are a same-sex couple interested in starting a family, or are single and ready to have children, California Fertility Partners is here to guide and support you. There are many fertility treatments available that can assist in achieving your dream of having a family. Our team can assist you by breaking down the different treatment options, their costs, and potential insurance coverage. We can also connect you with financing and guidance to choose the right payment plan.
Overview of Testing and Treatment Costs
- Fertility Testing
- Ovarian Stimulation & Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
- In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Egg Donation
- Gestational Surrogacy
After meeting with one of our fertility specialists, your doctor may suggest a sequence of tests to identify the cause of infertility. These tests may include the following:
- AMH Level: Anti-Mullerian (AMH) hormone is a blood test that measures ovarian reserve. The AMH level can show if there is a declining ovarian reserve and advanced ovarian aging. The test can predict the number of eggs to produce for each IVF or egg-freezing cycle.
- FSH Level: The follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) level early in the menstrual cycle can also measure ovarian reserve. A high level indicates decreased ovarian reserve and predicts a lower response to ovarian stimulation. These levels fluctuate monthly, but persistently high levels can indicate diminished ovarian reserve or insufficiency.
- Transvaginal Ultrasound with Antral Follicle Count: The transvaginal ultrasound allows your doctor to see the uterus and ovaries to determine if abnormalities like uterine fibroids or cysts could impact your ability to conceive. An antral follicle count will be done during the ultrasound to measure ovarian reserve. This count can help determine the number of eggs to retrieve during egg freezing or IVF.
- Semen Analysis: This test measures sperm quality and quantity and provides information on the functional capacity of sperm.
- Hysterosalpingogram: This specialized x-ray evaluates the female reproductive tract, visualizing the uterus and fallopian tubes. This test can diagnose uterine structural defects that hinder implantation or cause miscarriage. It can also show if the fallopian tubes are open.
- Sonohysterogram or hydrosonogram: This is a type of transvaginal ultrasound that identifies structural abnormalities of the uterine cavity, such as polyps, fibroids, intrauterine scar tissue, and uterine septum.
The cost of fertility testing will vary depending on what test(s) your fertility specialist recommends. Fertility testing is usually less invasive and can range from $50-$5,000. The less invasive tests like lab work and sperm analysis will cost less than the tests involving ultrasounds and x-ray equipment. Fertility testing is usually covered by insurance, even if infertility treatments are not due to underlying conditions.
Ovarian Stimulation and IUI Costs
IUI typically costs between $300-$1,000 per treatment and will vary depending on appointments and prescriptions needed.
Ovarian stimulation and IUI stimulate the ovaries with clomiphene citrate or gonadotropins to produce several eggs per cycle. When ovulation is about to happen, a prepared sperm sample is placed in the upper uterine cavity through a narrow catheter. This treatment improves pregnancy chances by increasing egg-release or sperm reach and correcting ovulatory defects.
In Vitro Fertilization Costs
One cycle of IVF typically costs $8,000-$15,000. Extra embryos can also be frozen and implanted later. Implanting a frozen egg costs about $1,800-$4,000.
IVF is an assisted reproductive technique used to treat infertility. During IVF, the ovaries are stimulated to produce multiple eggs, which a fertility specialist retrieves by a fertility specialist using ultrasound-guided needle aspiration. After the eggs are retrieved, they are sent to the laboratory to be fertilized with sperm. Once the eggs are fertilized, they are monitored for growth, and after about 3-5 days, a fertility specialist transfers them to the uterus. The cost of IVF will vary depending on how many cycles are needed, appointment costs, and medications prescribed.
Egg Donation Costs
The cost of egg donation can range from $8,000-$15,000 and will vary depending on if you are using fresh or frozen eggs.
Egg donation uses eggs donated by healthy women in their twenties. As women age, there is an increased chance of embryos having chromosomal abnormalities. Women with various reproductive problems can use donor eggs for conception. Gay men can also use donor eggs along with gestational surrogacy to father biological children.
Gestational Surrogacy Costs
The cost of gestational surrogacy can range from $190,000 to $230,000, depending on individual agreements. Several factors contribute to the overall cost of gestational surrogacy, including the matching process, legal matters, the surrogate's time and effort, and various medical procedures.
Gestational surrogacy is the process where one person who did not provide the egg at conception carries the fetus during pregnancy and gives birth to the baby. The eggs are produced via IVF, while the surrogate's uterus is prepared with hormones.
Insurance and Coverage
California infertility health insurance laws require group insurers to offer infertility treatment coverage, except IVF. Employers may choose whether or not to include infertility as part of their employee health benefit package. Insurers are only required to offer benefits to their employees that cover diagnosis, diagnostic testing, medication, surgery, and Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT).
There are limitations to California's infertility health insurance laws. The law only requires insurers to offer infertility treatment coverage, which does not include IVF and also does not require infertility treatment coverage. Fertility preservation coverage does not apply to Med-Cal managed health care services plan contracts. Employers who are self-insured are exempt from the requirements of the law.
The patient will be responsible for any infertility testing or treatment costs that California health insurance does not cover.
Financing and Payment Plans
The cost of fertility testing and treatment can add up. At California Fertility Partners, we can help find resources to cover some of the expenses of fertility treatments and help create a payment plan that fits your budget.
There are also things you can do to make a budget and financial plan as you prepare for fertility testing and treatment.
- Ensure you get an estimated cost of expenses from your provider to budget for these expenses accurately.
- Consider starting a separate savings account only used for fertility treatments so that you don't have to depend on other sources to pay for treatments.
- Review your current spending and see if there are any areas you can reduce unnecessary expenses.
- Consider putting any extra income, like tax returns or raises, into your savings account for fertility treatments.
- Check with your healthcare insurance to learn what is covered to understand which expenses you will be expected to pay.
Other Resources
As you start your fertility journey, The Seed Fertility Program can teach you how to optimize your fertility experience. This online program uses a self-study approach that incorporates the best dietary information available and emotional guidance for each day of a fertility cycle. You will learn to support yourself using "fertile foods" and "fertile thoughts."
Your Supported Fertility Journey
Starting a family can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. California Fertility Partners offers many options for fertility testing and treatments that can make your dream of starting a family a reality. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our fertility experts.